
15 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Is Needed Must Read

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing refers to the marketing in which we promote products , services and ideas using digital channels like social media , internet , applications and e-mail to get more sales , leads and traffic .

It is also known as online marketing or internet marketing . It can be done through videos , posts , paid ads , social media posts and search engine marketing. It include different strategies to reach the targeted audience .

Need Of Online Marketing

what is digital marketing

Now a days every business wants to get recognition in the market to get more profits so using digital means of marketing a business can connect with the entire world. In the fast growing world and era of technology traditional methods of marketing are being replaced by new digital marketing strategies and techniques where you can get much better results as compared to the traditional marketing . Here we will discuss some key points why there is need for online marketing.

Changed Consumer Behaviour

consumer behaviour

In this new digital world consumer prefer to buy products online on internet instead of visiting any physical store by getting influenced with advertisements seen on social media or on internet . Consumer also make research online about the products before buy it in actual.

So every business need to be go online to reach more customers . Digital marketing helps business to make their presence on internet and make their recognition online using various strategies and techniques of online marketing like search engine optimization and social media marketing.

Pocket Friendly Mean Of Marketing

digital marketing

One of main reason to adopt digital marketing is that it is cost effective . In traditional methods of marketing through posters , newspapers , prints and banners is most expensive specially in case of small business . Online marketing offers varies options for marketing like social media marketing , e-mail marketing , SMS marketing which are pocket friendly to every business.

24 x 7 Marketing

24 hours service

Digital marketing provide you 24 hours marketing services it is not like as traditional marketing strategies which can be done within a limited or specific period of time. Internet is being used throughout the world and it has millions of audience using internet daily so they can interact with you by seeing your ads online.

Like it has world wide access and marketing done through digital means like social media , sms etc. which has no time limit to run ads there .

Targeted Audience

targeted audience

In Online marketing you can show your advertisement only to those people or a specific group of people which are interested to buy your product , services and ideas .

Digital marketing can also target a specific age group to show ads like if you want to show ad of your product only to 18 to 25 age group of people within a specific boundary then it can be done easily.

Wide Customer Reach

wide customer reach

Traditional marketing covers customers within a narrow boundary like print advertising and banners while digital marketing (online marketing) covers wide range of customers with strategies like facebook ads , google ads , Youtube ads and have global reach so you can reach customers from any part of the world and can provide your services globally.

High Return On Investment

high returns

Advertising through online modes like facebook , instagram and youtube give more positive results as compared to traditional marketing strategies. Millions of people use internet or social media hence investing in digital marketing gives you high returns.

You can generate more revenue or get more leads by using digital mean of marketing and strategies like paid ads and cost per click.

Building Brand Awareness

brand awareness

It is very difficult to build brand image and credibility in crowded market in front of strong brands . Internet marketing make it easy to make your recognition in the market with strategies like content marketing , collaborations with celebrities or influencers and social media interaction with customers.

With digital marketing you can run your ads online and users can see your ads on internet on various platforms which builds your market image in front of them.

Help In Facing High Competition


Every business is going online and competition is increasing in online marketplace day by day . Customers also prefer to buy products and services online so digital marketing helps business to stay in the digital competition through digital advertisements , content creation , SEO strategies or paid ads by capturing the attention of customers .

Measurable Results

digital marketing

In marketing measurement of results is very significant . Not every business able to track actual statistics but In digital marketing you can track or measure results of your campaigns with various analytical tools like Hubspot , mailchimp and google analytics which help in tracking visits on website , time spent by the user on website , number of clicks done on website etc and you can easily identify the areas of improvement and can make your campaign more successful and goal oriented.

High Conversion Rates

leads generation

By digital marketing you can target to those customers who are actually want to buy the product, shows interest and like your product so in this case conversion rate is high as compared to traditional marketing.

Real-Time Updates

Using digital means of marketing a business can provide real-time updates to its customers regarding its services and products within short period of time using digital plateforms like youtube , website and social media .


re marketing

You can also target those customers or users who previously interacted to your business or buy any products and service from you . You can also share new updates and newly launched products and services to customers who previously interacted or visit your website through digital marketing.

Instant Feedback


You can receive real-time feedback from your customers and make your plans accordingly and can do quick resolution.

Brand Recognition

brand recognition

Digital marketing creates brand awareness and recognition in the market to attract new customers .

You can promote your brand and make your products visible to huge audience with paid ads , social media marketing and SEO strategies.

You can promote by making and sharing reels , videos and posts on internet , social media and through e-mail.

Time Saving

time saving

You can promote your business or can share your business to thousands of people within very short period of time using digital marketing strategies while in traditional marketing strategies its take more time to reach thousand of people.

Types of Digital Marketing

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an advertisement strategy in which we promote products and services of other businesses by creating affiliate links and get commission on every successful referral.

2. Content Marketing

Content marketing is a digital marketing strategy in which we interact to our users by sharing content , blogposts , articles and videos to create brand awareness.

3. Email Marketing

In this type of marketing E-mail is used to reach customers . We share promotional e-mails directly to the customers to generate sales and leads via email marketing.

4. SMS Marketing

SMS marketing is method of digital marketing in which we reach our audience through sending sms to them to give them updates about our products and services.

5. Social Media Marketing

Digital marketing done through social media like Youtube , Instagram and facebook by sharing videos and posts there is known as social media marketing.

6. Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing includes advertisement done through mobile device to promote business via sms , paid ads and applications.

7. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is a technique to promote your website and make it visible and easily findable on search engines like Google and give you ranking on search engines.

8. Social Media Optimization (SMO)

SMO is type of digital marketing performed to make brand presence and visibility on social media platforms.

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