
All About Email Marketing Step To Step Guide Read Now

email marketing

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategies which is used for direct interaction with customers. It is used to send promotional content and informational content like about services and products, new updates and newly launched products or services via e-mail.

This helps in generating more leads and sales by building a strong relationship with customers and with a continuous interaction with them.

Why Email Marketing Is Important

importance of email marketing

Today need for email marketing increased as most of offline business are going online day by day or planning to establish their business online. So email has become a medium of communication between business and it’s audience or customers.

Following can be the some reasons why It is essential for businesses:

  • In this new digital era billions of people have internet access and using e-mail.
  • E-mail is easiest way to provide information and important updates to the audience.
  • By using e-mail you can send personalized messages to your customer based on their interest and choice.
  • It helps in building a connection between a business and it’s audience.

How E-mail Marketing Is Beneficial To Business

benefits of email marketing

E-mail marketing is beneficial for the smooth running and optimum growth of the business and used to build a strong connection to customers by sending various types of mails about business from time to time.

Let’s understand what are the benefits of e-mail marketing:

Brand Awareness

Email marketing is the way to stay connected with the customers by sending them promotional e-mails, informational messages and updated regarding business like newly launched products keep them remind about your business. Every time they open e-mail application they find you there in their message box and this helps in making a memory about your business to your audience.

More Conversions

Also helps in generating more sale of products and services by awaring customers from time to time.

Reminding customers about the expiry of their service so that they can plan to renew it as soon as possible.

Encourage customers to get enquiry regarding any product or service by sending emails and to convenience them to buy.

Reminding customers about their incomplete purchase and giving options to complete the remaining process of buying products and services.

Cost Effective

Email marketing is a cost effective mean of digital marketing which allows businesses to interact with their customers and giving them all important updates with minimum cost .

Offer Customization

E-mail marketing gives you a option for sending personalized messages to customers according to their choice and previously shown interest in any product and service.

You can send e-mails to particular audience for new offers related to product and services in which they are showing their interest.

Steps Involved In Email Marketing Process

steps in email marketing

Making a list of E-mails

First step in e-mail marketing process is to make a list of all e-mails collected in online survey and from filled different forms by users on your website or in any social campaign. Make a proper list of all e-mails on mobile or laptop.

These e-mails can be based on demographic background, choice and purchasing behaviour or purchase history of a customer.

Choose a proper platform

Choose an appropriate platform for running a successful marketing campaign like Mailchimp which completes your needs such as templet design, proper analytics and list management.

Create a best content

Making a best content is very important in email marketing to capture the attention of the users and to attract them towards your business. Your content should include product updates, new launches, power words, call to action text and should be informative for the user.

Customize the content

Personalized your content according to the choice or interest of the customers and it can be based on his/her previous interaction with your business. Include the name of recipient and the information that he wants.

Monitor analytics

Check analytics of your campaign such as number of clicks, conversion rate and unsubscribe rate and use the data for planning of future campaign to make them more effective and result driven.

Types Of Email Marketing

Following can be the types of e-mail marketing explained below:

Promotional E-mails

These types of email campaign contains information such as newly launched products or services, special discounts or offers, information about your business webinar to promote your business among large number of audience etc. This campaign include 5-7 emails which are to be send within a specific time like within on week for the successful results of the campaign and to aware audience about your business.

These mail contain attractive content and a Call to action text so that a customer click on it to interact with your business.

Informational E-mails

These email campaign contains news about your business. You can share important updates and valuable changes and ammendments to your audience.

Also various announcements can be done regarding your business like new policies, events and special updates.

How E-mail marketing Helps in Building customers relations better

build customer relation

Email marketing is very important strategy of digital marketing to build strong connections and trust among the audience of business by sending them various information and content through email and build their trust towards your business.

Also helps in customer retentions as the customer find everything about your business, products and services there from time to time.

These e-mails keep engaging customer and getting them reminde about your business from time to time which is better for the conversion and re-marketing strategies.

How To make Email Marketing more effective

email marketing

Various points can be taken into consideration while making an e-mail marketing strategy for a successful campaign. Following can be the points should be followed for an effective campaign.

  • Always choose a best platform or software for e-mail marketing which gives good templates and better customization options for better result.
  • Use powerful content and personalized content for more conversions.
  • Use images to make it easy to understand and attractive for the audience.
  • Make a proper list of people for targeting.
  • Use Call to action text to insist audience to click now and to interact fastly.
  • Use A/B testing to know which e-mail copy is performing better and deriving better results.
  • Use mobile friendly templates.
  • Use easy and clear words to make it easy to understand for the customer.


In this digital era and with increasing internet users there is need to shift on digital means of marketing for better results and high ROI. E-mail marketing is one of the best mean of digital marketing which helps in building customer’s trust and also helps in customer retention.

It is very simple and fast to promote a business via e-mails and helps in keep reminding people about your business. It promotes business with low costs of marketing and give better results. Also this provide facility of personalized e-mail which helps in more conversions. And almost all uses email and open it at-least once in a day to check mails. Hence it is a great method to keep live your business in people’s mind.

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